To be able to stay on the road for more than a few weeks, you normaly need to quit your job.
Unemployed? Congratulations, you can skip this post! We presume you’re not begging for money on the streets while reading this, but even if you are, you’re probably looking for a new way to make your living.
First, go over the amount of time that you need for planning. Do you need to save up money? Finish what you’re working on at the office? Find somebody to replace you?
Anybody could do your work- only you can fulfil your dreams.
As we’ve mentioned before, another month at work usually doesn’t feel half as rough, knowing that you are just about to leave. You might even start loving things that you used to hate. This is a great time to appreciate what you have at home!
How are you going to make your living now?
Well, first of all, you’re hopefully in no rush.
Cheap traveling is not impossible traveling.
Bring a tent, hitch your rides, use international networks (such as Help Exchange, WWOOF and CouchSurfing) to find places to stay! Also, this might be the right time to start your own business.
What is your profession? How could you use your skills in a different way than you do at home? If you’re moving out of your house/apartment to go traveling, you can probably earn some money from renting out your place. selling furniture, clothes, or even the whole house!
Be creative and resign with style!