New Introduction Video And More!

First off, we’ve made a new introduction video.

Check it out, share it with your friends and let us know what you think!

Second, we want to congratulate Kim Jakobsson, the lucky winner of our podcast competition!
The correct answer is “Summarn Kummar”.

Third, we’ll be sending out a new gift today to Bodil Heijbel who has made another donation to us. Thank you so much for your support!
This is what the last packages that we sent to our supporters looked like:

Fourth, for anybody looking for inspiration we now have the pleasure of offering our readers a 15% discount on Chris Guillebeau’s well made guides for unconventional living. Chris has inspired us in many ways. He’s a talented writer whose core mission is to help people live remarkable lives. The discount is valid until Monday 29/11! In order to get the discount you need to enter the code “PUMPKIN”.

Keep shining, all njaros of the world!
Amanda and Robin

19 Hacks to Improve Your Hitchhiking Experience

Hitchhiker with a sign saying "Freshly Shower'd"
(Sign, love and photo by Peacehead)

Here are some tips that will improve your results while you’re hitchhiking:

  • Bring a girl (if you’re a guy) or a guy (if you’re a girl)

    If you’re a guy you’ll get much better results with other men if you bring a girl.
    If you’re a girl, it will be easier to dismiss the wedding proposals if you have another guy with you.

  • Smile, laugh and sing – no begging please

    Show the drivers that they’d have a much better time if they were with you.
    Convince them by being that missing piece of their experience.

  • Look the drivers into the eyes, seek rapport

    In this way they’ll feel forced to give you some sort of answer.
    If not, you’re just part of the scenery.

  • Wear whole and clean clothes (depending on what kind of cars you want to attract)

    We want to attract new and secure cars.
    Therefore, we dress fashionable and properly ;).

  • Know your way, or be prepared to ask for it

    Say you want to get to city D and you are in city A. Then it’s good to know the name of city B and city C as well.

  • Use a sign (paper or cardboard)

    Your sign is a way of saving time. Write the closest town that you want to get to, or the furthest depending on your situation.
    If nobody has stopped, then you might want to skip the sign. If everyone stops, then you want to make it very specific.

  • Write the sign using the native alphabet

    For example if you’re in an Arab country, get a friend or stranger to write it for you (unless you speak/write in Arabic)

  • Be humorous with what you write on the sign

    When we’re failing to get a good connection with the drivers, and we feel unmotivated we usually just pick up the “INDIA” sign.
    This has a very good effect: The drivers starts to smile, laugh, and often points at the sign while their mouths falls wide open.
    This makes us laugh and smile as well.
    Some people just stop to figure out what’s going on, and if we’re really going to India.

  • Use the crowd effect

    Humans are social creatures and they are attracted to – social happenings.
    If a car stops and the driver talks to you because of your humorous sign,
    then that will make it harder for the drivers that comes afterwards to not do the same thing.
    Nobody wants to miss the fun, right?

  • Never hitchhike on a “green road” or motorway – more often than not it’s illegal

    It is very difficult for the drivers to stop and it’s also dangerous for them to do so.

  • Offer the car enough space to stop

    After the point where you’re standing there should at least be a few meters for the car to stop at.

  • Stand in the brightest spot possible – you want to shine

    It doesn’t matter if the source is the Sun or a street light, the important thing is that the driver can see you properly.

  • Give the driver enough time to see you, make a decision and stop

    Make yourself as visible as possible, give them time to understand what you want.
    With this in mind, the best spots is where the cars drive slow.

  • Don’t hitchhike when it’s dark

    Don’t take this too seriously.
    The main reason for not hitchhiking when it’s dark is simply because it’s harder for the drivers to see you.

  • If you’re in a hurry – avoid trucks as they only drive top 90km/h

    Truck drivers are often really friendly and nice persons. The only problem with trucks are that they go really slow.
    So if you’re in a hurry or want to be somewhere at a specific time, it is best to avoid the trucks.

  • Remember that you’re in control – you choose which driver to go with and how far you’ll go with her/him

    When you’re hitchhiking, you’re the boss. You choose if you want to step into that car, or if you want the driver to stop it.

  • Stand as close to the cars as possible – walk down from the pavement to really get “in their faces”

    In order to get a good contact (rapport) you want to be in the drivers faces. Get out on the road and make contact!

  • If you don’t speak the same language as your driver – be prepared

    Lack of language is not a communication barrier! You can draw, make gestures and sing international songs together.

  • Connect with your driver if you like her/him

    Exchange email addresses or Facebook.
    Share a gum if you have one.
    Show pictures from home.
    Connect in some way, and you might have made a friend for life!

There you have it.
19 hacks to improve your hitchhiking experience.
Do you have any tactics or strategies that you’d like to share?
Write them in the comments!
Happy hitching :) !

The World – Our Second Home

Our CouchSurfing host made us think the other day.
We’ve been staying with him in Damascus for a few days. He hosts us, even though CouchSurfing is officially illegal in Syria. The original site is blocked. But since people are still into it, they find their ways to get around it. And our host doesn’t only host us. For the last couple of days he has been hosting over 20 people from all over the world!

We asked him what his drive is. Why does he do this? He could possibly get in some sort of trouble for it. And even if the legal point wasn’t there, this still keeps him really busy.
Most people we know would call this “No private time”.

But not Feras.
“I want to make Syria a second home for everybody. I want to make people happy.”

We were really impressed by his answer. Why didn’t we never think of that? Or why didn’t we hear it before? What if everybody thought a bit more like this. To make their country second home for foreigners. We are so gonna work on that, anyway!

If every country did, then the whole world would be our second home. Somewhat it is, already
though we didn’t define it like that before.

Feras erases the borders as well as he can. Though we might have to hide in the bathroom if his landlord showes up, he is still hosting us and telling us his door is open, anytime.
For us, that is the best of examples there is.

It might be a tuff act to follow, but we could try together, couldn’t we? :) Podcast #2 – Hitchhiking in Syria

Welcome To Syria!

Our second podcast is here!
This time filled with sounds and stories from the road, mainly in Syria:

  • Learn how to say “Thank You” in 8 different languages!
  • Hear the sound of Turkish radio commercials and radio music
  • Listen to the difficulties and hardships of hitchhiking in Syria ;)
  • Feel the pain that Arabs experience in the cold desert through a moving song from Syria
  • Be first to guess which Gotlandic song we’re singing and win a Turkish ashtray!

…and much more!


We would love your feedback on this!
Let us know what YOU think by posting your comment!

Theme based on track by Matty Blades.


Three and a half weeks of fresh fruit, amazing hospitality and at least 10 cups of tea a day. Yes, welcome to Turkey!

For the first time so far during this trip, we have spent enough time in the same country to pick up a tiny bit of the language and to get almost addicted to both the food and the culture. Maybe it has to do with that the tourist season is more or less over, but Turkey wasn’t what we expected. It was much better!
People have given us so many presents that we barely know what to do with it all!
Also, we finally caught up with the warm season.
No more freezing nights for a while! Asia is entered.

Get the whole story!