Category Archives: Cancel your life

Cancel your life #4- Prepacking

How many shirts do you own? How many handbags? Towels, computers, pairs of shoes? In western countries, we usually buy and keep a lot more than necessary.
How much out of what you keep in your wardrobe is stuff that you REALLY need?

Different needs are created in different situations. You might for example feel like you’re in need of new coffee cups for your kitchen, though the ones you have are not broken, just old or maybe out-of-fashion.
Nobody wants to travel with an overweight backpack! To plan your packing well and make it light and easy, you need to go back to your essential needs.
Going for the essentials is also a great way to be economical and even climate smart.

Make a list of the things that might fit your needs, while staying within your budget, and invest in those.
How can you always have somewhere to sleep without spending lots of money? This might be the right time to buy a tent!
Does your budget include self-cooking? Then a good gas-burner might be your next choice, etc, etc.

You will obviously need clothes to stay warm as well as clothes that doesn’t overheat you. Certain religions/cultures might also be easier to meet if you carefully dress depending on where you are.
Except for this, go for ONE pair of pants, ONE pair of shoes, and so on. That’s all you need. It’s light and it’s cheap.

Even if you’re not going to travel the world with just a backpack, maybe the idea of your essential needs can help you creating a smaller budget for next month?

Cancel your life 3- Ending your bills with style

When you’re going traveling for a long time it’s usually a good idea to cancel your bills.
What are you paying for that you won’t need while you’re traveling?

Our list contained:

  • Mobile phone plan
  • Broadband
  • Magazine subscriptions
  • Gym card
  • Electricity
  • Insurances
  • Club membership fees
  • Premium television channels
  • Book clubs

Ending these things is a real joy.
Instead of piling stuff, you’re now saving your money.
But as with everything we’ve mentioned it should be done with style!
Often the companies will ask you why you’re leaving them.

This is a golden opportunity to inspire and entertain the employee that will read and transcribe your statement.

Answer it in a creative way!

This is what Robin poetically wrote (originally in Swedish) to Radiotjänsten (Sweden’s public service):

Playing in Herrvik

I hereby cancel my television and radio subscription.
I’m passionately in love inspired and will therefore go traveling indefinitely with the coolest cat, Miss Heijbel.
We’ve just resigned from work, Sweden and the ubiquitous gray.

We celebrated midsummer in Herrvik on Gotland, and in the evening we ran around and played.
The Sun had just gone down over the old fishing port and the moon appeared, large, detailed and burningly scarlet.
The air was warm and smelled deliciously of midsummer flowers and salt.
Gulls, and the sea’s calm breath could be heard from a distance: the night approached the harbor which was dozing off into sleep.

That awakened something in us, and the office does not feel as exciting any longer.
We’ll go to Poland first and then travel over land to India. Russia and China is around the corner. Thailand too, for that matter. Croatia, Syria, Iran and Pakistan are countries that excites us on our journey!
If you or your colleagues want to learn more or join us on our adventure, be ready as I will email you the URL later.

Until next time I hope that you will enjoy the wonderful winter here in Sweden, and play a lot of games!
All the best!
/ Robin

Now, go get creative and then tell us your story.

Cancel your life # 2- Quit your job

To be able to stay on the road for more than a few weeks, you normaly need to quit your job.

Unemployed? Congratulations, you can skip this post! We presume you’re not begging for money on the streets while reading this, but even if you are, you’re probably looking for a new way to make your living.

First, go over the amount of time that you need for planning. Do you need to save up money? Finish what you’re working on at the office? Find somebody to replace you?

Anybody could do your work- only you can fulfil your dreams.

As we’ve mentioned before, another month at work usually doesn’t feel half as rough, knowing that you are just about to leave. You might even start loving things that you used to hate. This is a great time to appreciate what you have at home!

How are you going to make your living now?
Well, first of all, you’re hopefully in no rush.

Cheap traveling is not impossible traveling.

Bring a tent, hitch your rides, use international networks (such as Help Exchange, WWOOF and CouchSurfing) to find places to stay! Also, this might be the right time to start your own business.

What is your profession? How could you use your skills in a different way than you do at home? If you’re moving out of your house/apartment to go traveling, you can probably earn some money from renting out your place. selling furniture, clothes, or even the whole house!

Be creative and resign with style!

Cancel your life # 1- Stand up for your ideas

While working on your plans, you’ll most likely find people telling you that

– where you’re going is not safe
– you’re crazy
– you’re even out of your mind
– you’ll be back in a week
– you’ll never make it
– your plan is naive and unstable

These comments are not only related to traveling, it could be anything you’re dreaming of, any plans you’ve got. Buying a house, starting a career as a musician, getting married, painting your house in pink, going to law-school, starting a camel farm, adopting a child, etc, etc. 

This part is probably the hardest one, and usually also the main reason why most people never change their lives with drastic measures. We want to support you to do so anyway, if that’s what you actually want, cause 99 % of the negative reactions you might get are based on fear and lack of knowledge. Use this to motivate yourself! If somebody tells you that you cannot go to Colombia cause it’s too dangerous, ask this person, as well as yourself and Wikipedia, what the risks are. Remember that you won’t know the truth until you’re there, and that many people will learn from your experiences!

We’re not saying you shouldn’t take any advice, but there is a fine line between taking advices, and giving up on your dreams. You’re hopefully doing what ever it is because YOU want to.
So, what could really bring you down?