On the road again

How do you host people in a nice way?

Well, Jarema Bedzel in Slupsk has all the answers!
Our first CouchSurfing experience in Poland turned out to be a great one. We got picked up by our host in the center of Slupsk, after an interesting first day of hitchhiking. He brought us to a local pub where pirozhki and Polish beer with raspberry juice was served. Later on that night, we had ice-cream, cappuccino and a great night’s sleep at Jarema’s and his girlfriend Kate’s place.
Thanks a lot friends!

Both the second and the third night, we ended up camping behind petrol stations, in Glogowo and Bydgoszcz. You probably know where that is, right?

Today we are lucky to tell you that we’ve reached Warsaw after amazing meetings with the people who’ve driven us!
At the moment, we’re camping a few kilometers outside the city center.

We’ve been wet. We’ve been a bit cold. And yes, we’ve been a bit hungry too.
And we are absolutely amazingly super happy with being on the road again!

Open water

We fell in love with each other. So, we went hitchhiking together, towards India. As you do, right?

Yesterday, we left our home country and our old routines, for an unlimited amount of time, with open water ahead of us.
First stop is Poland. We’ll dance the Chicken Dance in Slupsk on Thursday.
Why Slupsk? We found the name of the city very funny. That inspired us. We knew nothing else about it. But we decided to go there. We find passion in what we’re doing, passion in each other, passion in people that we meet. We like to fulfill our dreams, because we know that it’s possible.

We often hear people saying: “I wish I could do the same. I envy you for what you’re doing”.
This is our answer:
We are not even a little bit more able to do things, than you are. We don’t have more money than other people. We’re not educated at a top-university.
The only difference is: We just DO it.

Take a look around you. It’s easy to say that successful people started with better opportunities, better contacts, etc, than you.
We don’t believe so. We believe the people that we like to call successful see their opportunities, instead of their limitations. They ask for the help that they can actually get. In front on them, they see open water. They know there is land on the other side.

Get out there and see what happens. If the boat sinks, start swimming