How To Create Your Own Beautiful Website!

Do you want to build a website, community or blog?
Some of you have asked us how we made this website.
This is how!

You’re only three steps from having your own vibrating online home.


Buy a good web host and a domain name.
If you are serious with your website you should buy a host instead of using a free service (like or Serious web hosts offers domain registration as well as web hosting.
I suggest that you use either Binero if you’re based in Sweden, or Dreamhost if you are based outside of Sweden.
Both offer superior support and service to an unbeatable price.



Install the best software on it.
In my previous daily work as a web developer I recommended most people and organizations to use WordPress.
It’s a feature-rich, highly secure, open source software that offers unlimited customization, free updates and a well written documentation.
It also have lots of plugins and free themes.
For most people, it will be everything they’ll ever need.
You can build blogs, web sites and even communities (through BuddyPress) using it.
On both Binero and Dreamhost it’s as easy as pushing a button when you install WordPress. On both sites, it’s called “One-Click” installers.



Get a stunning theme!
If your website isn’t beautiful and easy to use, nobody will read it.
As you’re building a serious website you’ll want it to look really good.
Thanks to WooThemes it’s now really cheap to get a good looking theme that is easy to brand and customize in most ways you’d like to.
They also offer really good support and free updates to the themes you purchase.

There you have it!
Three easy steps to a bad-ass, smokingly hot, easy-to-use website, branded and customized to fit your needs.

Good luck!

People and people

As you might have noticed, we are very curious persons.
We find an every day challange in the fact the many people seem to be unhappy.
It is an obvious, international dream, to be happy and satisfied, in many different ways but with the same goal.

When we arrange the Chicken Dance, we usually just walk around in town and simply ask people if they would like to dance with us. By doing this, we get to see all sorts of reactions.
In Krakow, we met a Swedish tourist group and we asked them if they wanted to dance.
“Oh, come up with something better” they replied, as they turned their backs on us.
This was the first very negative reaction we’ve had so far, but even the people who start smiling, laughing, who tells us that this is an amazing idea, that they would love to do something similar to our journey, STILL don’t want to dance with us! They prefer to stay in their comfort zone rather than to experience something new.

Only a few, brave persons have been willing to stand the embarrassment, or other peoples opinions, or what ever their fear is.

As an opposite to this, we have just stayed for three days with amazing hosts. Tomek and his son Mateusz invited us to their apartment in Krakow after hearing about us from a friend who picked us up in Northern Poland. They have given us a room to sleep in, and they have invited us to eat with them and share their life and thoughts. Their hospitality is overwhelming! These people are somehow stepping out of the box, out of their private section, to open up a different piece of their hearts for us.

We are hitchhiking, and hundreds of cars with free seats are passing by. Then ONE stops.

What does it take, to make this little move?
To give yourself and other people a chance to be more happy than unhappy?
What is the difference between people and people?

Pledge finished and evaluated

Two weeks before we left Sweden we started a pledge (heavily inspired by Kickstarter) to try out if we could get help to buy a new and better camera. This is the result!

Day one: 3 persons pledged €35 each
Day five: 1 organization pledged €500
Day eighteen: 1 person pledged €100

All together, that is €705.
We promised that we would return the money in case we didn’t get at least €1500. All the sponsors have insisted that we are welcome to keep the money anyway. Thanks a lot! The money will go to a dictaphone and a new computer (we’ve confirmed that it’s OK with all the sponsors). This will enable us to work more effective, resulting in more high quality material for you to enjoy.

Thoughts about the pledge
The pledge system was meant as a trial to see if we could get support from our readers in order to produce material of a higher quality. Since everything we produce goes back into the public domain (more or less) it would be great if people who enjoy it would pitch in, and help fund it directly.

We consider it a success, and we’re now able to buy some new gear that we are in need of. Maybe we would have been even more successful if we would have marketed the pledge system more actively, but we didn’t.
We feel that the result is amazing and we are very grateful for your support.
Thank you again!

The first postcard was posted from 120 meters under the surface in the Wieliczka Salt Mine to a kind person who pledged €35 :) .

What did you feel and think about this experiment?
All feedback is very important to us!

It will still be possible to sponsor us, with a similar system.
We’ll evaluate and post it when it’s finished!

/Amanda and Robin

The Chicken Dance – Warsaw!

Lots of creds to Warsaw for participating in The Chicken Dance tour twice!
Unfortunately we lost the first dance, where we performed with a tourist group from Hong Kong.

The second time we performed with a local crew based out of the café Osir.
They were the first group of Chicken Dancers that made us dress up in clothes exclusive for the performance!
Very cool!