People and people

As you might have noticed, we are very curious persons.
We find an every day challange in the fact the many people seem to be unhappy.
It is an obvious, international dream, to be happy and satisfied, in many different ways but with the same goal.

When we arrange the Chicken Dance, we usually just walk around in town and simply ask people if they would like to dance with us. By doing this, we get to see all sorts of reactions.
In Krakow, we met a Swedish tourist group and we asked them if they wanted to dance.
“Oh, come up with something better” they replied, as they turned their backs on us.
This was the first very negative reaction we’ve had so far, but even the people who start smiling, laughing, who tells us that this is an amazing idea, that they would love to do something similar to our journey, STILL don’t want to dance with us! They prefer to stay in their comfort zone rather than to experience something new.

Only a few, brave persons have been willing to stand the embarrassment, or other peoples opinions, or what ever their fear is.

As an opposite to this, we have just stayed for three days with amazing hosts. Tomek and his son Mateusz invited us to their apartment in Krakow after hearing about us from a friend who picked us up in Northern Poland. They have given us a room to sleep in, and they have invited us to eat with them and share their life and thoughts. Their hospitality is overwhelming! These people are somehow stepping out of the box, out of their private section, to open up a different piece of their hearts for us.

We are hitchhiking, and hundreds of cars with free seats are passing by. Then ONE stops.

What does it take, to make this little move?
To give yourself and other people a chance to be more happy than unhappy?
What is the difference between people and people?

3 thoughts on “People and people

  1. Håkan jakobsson

    Det här är helt fantastiskt intressant om hur låsta vi människor är i vår egen förminskning och inte kan komma ur det utan övertalning eller se att vi har någon fördel av vårat agerande.
    Jag läste något vackert hos en vän ” när du har upplevt allt ljus i världen kommer du till en dörr och bakom den är det ett totalt mörker. När du tar steget ut i mörkret kommer en av två saker att inträffa: att du får fast mark under fötterna eller så lär du dig att flyga”
    Det blir alltid som man tänker.

    Ha en fortsatt fantastisk resa!

    1. mangomanjaro Post author

      Vackert citat Håkan!
      Kul att du också tycker att detta är intressant. Kanske kan man både få fast mark under fötterna, OCH lära sig att flyga :)?


      1. Håkan jakobsson

        Tack! Amanda
        Du får alltid fast mark under fötterna efter varje gång du lär dig att flyga…så är min tolkning , helt utan baktankar.
        Ha det bäst!


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