Internet in Iran

We have come to what might be the most interesting and different country on our list: Iran.
This means we are currently unable to reach most of our commonly used websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr. Because of this there are lots of uploads that will have to wait for a bit, like two unforgettable Chicken dances, one from Jordan and one from Iraq. Hold on for it :) !

If any of you plan to go to Iran, try not to be on a strict schedule. We literally had to drag our selves away and hide in a hotel room for a night to catch up some precious Internet-time. This is of course an amazing thing. If you think we got invited to lots of homes previously, that’s nothing compared to now. Everywhere we go, people start speaking to us.

“Hello, where are you from? Please come to my house and meet my family!”
It is an interesting and important experience for us. And since we stay in people’s homes, we spend less time by the Internet and more time with our new found friends. If we didn’t have a time limit of 15 days in Iran, we could have stayed forever just to take time and get to know them all.

Stay with us and keep shining, Njaros!

11 thoughts on “Internet in Iran

  1. ulf heijbel

    Kära kära ni vad intressant och spännande, längtar efter att höra mer. Tag väl vara på er. Bor nu själv i ett gammalt fascinerande hus i Lissabon tillsammans med 2 filmjournalister på 39 och 68 år. Ingen värme i sådana här gamla hus utom mänsklig kramar ulf

  2. Bodil heijbel

    känner stor respekt och nyfikenhet för de erfarenheter ni gör!
    det sprider mer ringar på vattnet än ni kan ana.
    varma hälsningar till er och alla era nya vänner.Mamma bodil

  3. Adam

    Hey good luck on the rest of your trip! It looks like you’ve had an incredible time. Running into you both in that Mexican restaurant in Tehran was probably the strangest part of my brief holiday in Iran :)

    Take care and I hope you make it to India in one piece!

    Adam (Australia)

    1. mangomanjaro Post author

      Thanks a lot Adam!
      After we left the restaurant, we both said how impressed we were with your amazing energy! We’re hoping that we’ll see each other again sometime, or that you’ll share it with the world in some other way.

      All the best!

    1. mangomanjaro Post author

      Thank you for the great dinner, Mohammad!
      We really enjoyed it!
      See you later, say hello to the family from us!

  4. Beebarg Baloch

    Good luck and God bless you both.. by the way you did not tell me about this chicken dance while we were together for a while. hahahah…. great work, keep it work.. will listen more after you complete your visit and go back home…


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